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“The key to success in Tauber is always knowing what’s going on around you, even if you don’t like what you hear. It’s what you do with the information that matters.”
- Gregor Kaufman Sr
Fantastic Monsters and How to Field Them
There is now a myriad of options should you wish to add some more muscle to your troupe
In the Court of the Goblin King
The Goblin King and his attendants are a strange box, raising both daisies and the dead
Ribald Rumble
How will these two seemingly similar models operate with each other within Goblin lists?
Fun Unlimited with Commonwealth Gnomes*
Written by tournament champion Dhimesh Parmar
*Jonglers sold separately
Boris, Bunnies and Beasts
Boris and his animal boys are here to show you the way of the beast!
Winner Winner, Char-Grilled Faerie Dinner
I've wanted to write about my favourite model in the game thus far - The Firespitter