Leshavult Cultists and Spirits

Kalista, is the third Arch Priestess of the Leshavult and still in training.

“Ooh I’m on a web page, how exciting! You see, I have a greater consciousness than any of the other characters, which is why I’m talking to you. Buy me! And read all about me in The Arising, you know you want to…”

- Brother Daniel

Kavanagh is a creepy gnome Jongleur who really struggles to find hats that fit.”

“Leshavit speaks to me through the stones. No, not just any stone, these ones. And occasionally moonstones too.”

- Raegan

Klaus is a whirlwind of unstoppable destruction. Useful in a skirmish, awful at dinner parties.

“What’s that? Can you hear singing? We best get out of these woods, I bet it’s that faerie Gwendoline out to get us!”

Loubard the Giant is intimidating and formidable… Except to his cat Pickle, who is mistress in their household (after their god Leshavit, of course).

“I had the choice to align with any of the Factions on Tauber. I chose Leshavult.”

- Eric the Enlightened

“Of course I'll help you! For the price of a future favour...”

- Dranyer

“Be careful when you go mushroom picking, some of the treefolk are fond of their fungi. Particularly that Ruwt…”

"Alas poor Yorrick, he got gobbled up by Snag!”

Gump may be big, but they’re a reliable Treefolk. Although don’t get too close, their eyes are very high and they may not spot you!”

Zorya the Dawn Witch, is more spiteful than a well-shaken bottle of faerie toddlers left out in the sunshine in the middle of summer. Don’t trust her!”

“Oh dear, oh dear. Oopsy daisy, another recipe gone wrong and a new taster needed. Better clean up this mess before my sisters get home.”

- Antonia the Noonday Witch

Danica the Dusk Witch has a fantastic memory, but a short temper and dislike for almost everything. Particularly young people and their loud music.

The Revenant is proof that you should always enter into an agreement with a witch with great care, no matter how small the fine print.

Morag is a great hunter and even more terrifying than the Wendigo.”

Anya Bartol is the only child ever expelled from Sunrise Academy for devouring a fellow student.

Stryga Anya - because age should not be a limit to how much carnage you can cause.

“The West Wing is forbidden! It’s where I keep my finest outfits.”

- The Beast

“I find those Cultists so distasteful - running around like mindless animals in the woods, yuck. Now, hand me the large golden codpiece please, I have special guests arriving and want to look my most alluring.”

- Friar Flavious