Giants and Trolls

“Rocks friends. Moonstones friends, too. Shiny friends.”

- Boulder the Troll

Ribald the Troll plus Goblin Number 2916... Oops, sorry, 2917.

“Don’t cross that bridge, Bristlenose the Troll is hiding under there and his toll is something he can add to his collection. Trust me, that’s no good thing!”

I don’t care that you think you’ve eaten a poisonous mushroom, this is my meditation time!”

- Knoll the Troll

Gotchgut the Giant, he's got(chgut) your back, as the posters say.

You the dumbest giant in Tauber.”

“No, you is!”

“Take that back or I’ll bonk you on the head!”

- Dim and Dimmer the Giant

“I think I’d beg for death rather than listen to Brunhilde sing another Norse saga. Four hours the last one went on!”

Loubard the Giant is intimidating and formidable… Except to his cat Pickle, who is mistress in their household (after their god Leshavit, of course).

Angerboda may be a violent, rotting servant of Chernitt, but under that chilly exterior beats a pure Norse heart.

“Don’t underestimate ‘em, just cos they’re big don’t mean they ain’t clever.”

- Flintlock