The Goblin King: King Cuthbert Stonefrog, Seventh of His Name, Ruler of the Bestest Isle, See-er of the Seen Things, Holder of the Sacred Cockerel Crown, Chosen of the Feathered Ones, Most Flatulent Among Us.
“I’m half goblin, half faerie. A faelin if you will!”
“Don’t think of it as necromancy, it's just a very, very late surgical intervention.”
Doug the Flatulent is the noble steed of Sir Pubert, who is also pretty flatulent, which is probably why Doug lets him ride along.
“Vicious Syd: Giant lover, crotch stabber, beer drinker, joke teller. Quintuple threat. Gird your loins before your loins get a stabbin’.”
“Beaky Bobby is the most reliable goblin healer in Tauber. Yes I know that isn’t a high bar.”
“I don’t have any ‘official’ ID but I do have this loyalty card for The Mortician, will that do?”
- Jobie
“No, it is not a pleasure to meet me and it is not a pleasure to meet you either. Where are your receipts?”
- The Tax Collector
“I don’t know whether it’s fat or muscle and the last goblin who asked Portly Pete got thrown in the oubliette.”
“I’m a fabulous dancer and very good at being underrated. Now pass me my dryest loincloth, it’s time to party!”
“Boom Boom McBoom isn’t a very good shot, but that blasted blunderbuss fires a lot of bullets. Ow.”
“If you and your twi-hic-twin brother are buyin’ then it’d be ru-hic-rude of me to decline and other tasty bever-hic-age.”
“Take me back t' the Rolly Dodger 'n we'll share out the loot in this ‘ere wheelbarrow!”
“Swiggarty Swooty and that octopus Winston have a tentacle in every dodgy deal in Booty's Bilge.”
“Crusty Balboa packs a mean triple hit combo that will leave your head spinning and your pockets empty.”
“Didn’t know shouldn’t read random magic books. Now am grub. Not too bad though. Have lots of eyes.”
- Grub
He’s the Firespitter, the trouble starter, punkin' instigator; the fear addicted, danger illustrated. As long as his hose doesn’t get twisted. Yeah.
“Creating the first Goblin Airship is an art as well as a science! Now pass me that cork, we shall attempt inflation approach 324a.”
“The goblins are on their way, fetch the furniture covers and hide our valuables. Oh, and bring out the scented candles, I believe Doug is joining them.”
- Queen Diana