Shades of Moonreach

“Your head looks most functional, will you be needing it after you die?”

- Greymair

“By my word, I will be the greatest swordfighter in Tauber, alive OR dead.”

- Negroli

“May I ASS you a question? It will take BUTT a moment? Else I fear I will never get to the BOTTOM of this mystery…”

- Jerry Heir

Roary really does make a fabulous party planner.”

“Winner of ‘Best Recycler’ for the third month since appearing from the Deadlands, Abra Cadaverous lets nothing go to waste.”

“No, Flay is BEARER of knowledge not BEAR of knowledge.”

Jeremy, Lord of the Deep, shall soon be Lord of the land too!”

Lampy is a reassuring light in the darkness. Well… A light in any case, I wouldn’t say that face reassures me of anything!”

Brave Sir Pidge is far braver than the average pigeon. Have you seen what he’s done to the Baron’s carriage?”

“I don’t like these ‘ere Shades. It’s bad for business - false advertising!”

- The Mortician