With one of the highest melee damage potentials in the game, Loubard is capable of tearing up entire troupes by himself when left unchecked with the right support. Without adequate support though, the blind giant is slow, predictable and unreliable.
At 14 wounds and a dreadful evade of +2, Loubard starts off with relatively standard stats for a giant. He also has an average melee of 3 and, unlike other giants thus far, an arcane stat of 3. Another bizarre stat for a giant is his whopping 3" melee range and his reliance on only 1 damage type, impact. This isn't the full story however, as Loubards true melee potential is unlocked against models closer than 3" and his stats are often higher than the ones printed on his card.
‘Righteous Fury’
As with many Leshavult models, Loubard has an ability that costs more than his stock energy. If available 'Righteous fury' should be used every turn as it is effectively costs nothing, so long as you have 3 energy. The first effect is to gain +3 energy, immediately refunding its cost. It then also grants +1 melee, +1 arcane and +1 damage to melee attacks. This brings Loubard up to a ludicrous +3 impact damage and 6 melee cards on the attack. In particular, the additional card will be great as it helps to offset one of Loubards greatest weaknesses in melee. The extra point in arcane will be useful too, as using an energy to pull a model to within 1" of Loubard can be devastating for the target.
“I am here to serve my Priestesses in Leshavit’s name.”
‘Predictable Combatant’ and ‘Entangle’
Whilst +3 impact damage is phenomenal, its often hard to bring to bear due to 'Predictable combatant'. As impact damage is only present on 2 cards, it is possible to draw only one of these cards during a round of combat. With predictable combatant your opponent can then perfectly block these, leaving Loubard vulnerable. This is where 'Entangle', Loubard's signature move really shines. Firstly, 'Entangle' is Impact damage, meaning that Loubard has 3 melee cards which can make use of his extra impact damage. Additionally, if Loubard ignores his 3" melee and moves within 1" of his target he can use this signature to its full effect which will guarantee damage regardless of what the opponent has. If an opponent doesn't guard, 'Entangle' can deal 3 or 5 impact damage as well as inflicting 2 wounds from the end step effect, resulting in a colossal amount of damage.
‘Blind Faith’ and Who to Field Alongside Loubard
As for models to help Loubard in his destructive quest, anything which gives energy is mandatory for him to hit his full potential with 'Righteous fury'. Also, characters with movement abilities are great for getting him into range and making sure he's in a good position to prevent 'Blind faith' from becoming an issue. Therefore, an excellent helper for Loubard is Brother Daniel. Additional energy from 'Look at the shiny thing' and movement from 'Plant the placard' can ensure he always has 3 energy and that he's always in the right place. Another great support option is the three witches. With Danica's catastrophe energy and extra puppeteer actions, as well as Antonia's movement abilities, Loubard can receive all the support he needs to cause maximum chaos!