On the face of things, Grub has a very bland and straight forward set of stats.
‘Enchanted Secateurs’
A melee stat of 4 and an arcane of equal value puts Grub at above average in melee and about average in arcane when compared with his fellow goblins. Furthermore, his melee range of 1" and evade of -1 are also distinctly average goblin numbers along with his low health and high energy. When Grub needs to deal damage, his 'Enchanted Secateurs' can often assist by converting all his melee damage to magical. In addition to his melee prowess,
‘Bug Spray’
Grub also can tackle some very specific enemies with his 'Bug spray'. As it ignores evade it is terrible against giants as it can't capitalise on their awful evade. However, against high evade enemies like faires, it can be lethal. Like his melee attacks, the damage is magical, so Grub can often deal reasonable damage to plate armoured foes like Baron Von Fancyhat and the Vicious Midget too.
‘Wyrm Hole’
“Can run fast even though have little legs.”
As nice as all those things are, they're not the reason you generally take Grub. Normally Grubs' main impact on the game will be through the use of his single active ability, 'Wyrm hole'. At the cost of 2 energy, Grub gains near unlimited movement by moving from base contact with one obstacle to any other on the board. Unfortunately, this large movement also comes at the cost of Grub dropping all his moonstones. This isn't a problem though when Grub isn't carrying any moonstones or if dropping Grubs' moonstones can form part of your plan.
One of the ways to utilise Grubs' insane mobility is as an aggressive moonstone harvester. Unlike other models in the game, Grub can move practically anywhere he wants on turn one and be ready to harvest moonstones. However, if he does this he will often be left dangerously close to enemies with no support. This is where other dominion models can step in to help. With Shabaroons' 'Transcombobulate', Grub can harvest moonstones and then be safely brought back to your deployment. Grub can then repeat 'Wyrm hole', dropping his collected moonstones in your deployment for another model to harvest and guard. A similar scheme can also be achieved using Gwendolines' 'Ethereal allure' to move Grub away from enemies.
Grub the Assassin
If harvesting isn't your thing, Grub can instead be employed as an effective assassin. For flimsy models such as Fraya, Grub is a constant threat who can appear almost anywhere and cause massive damage with 'Bug spray' or a couple of melee attacks. Furthermore, if Grub finishes off his target in melee with his signature he can then use the extra energy to teleport back to safety, removing him from harm! The one downside of Grubs' melee is a lack of bonus damage. This can be remedied by BoomBoom McBoom's 'Suckerpunch' giving Grub a massive burst of damage for one attack. Perfect for his hit and run nature!