Unlike a lot of models in Moonstone, Gwendoline doesn't have any abilities that jump out as overly powerful or strong.
Gwendoline’s card.
To compound this, the abilities in question aren't even low on energy and instead cost relatively large sums of energy. Despite this, I'd still count this as one of my favourite models in the game as well as a strong one. Gwendoline is, for the most part, a well rounded support model, with perhaps a slight skew to repositioning. So rather than harvesting, killing, or directly pursuing victory, she will be assisting others in your troupe.
Her first ability, and only active ability, is some arcane deck manipulation. Within Leshavult this will likely not see much use as there are far better options for this with models such as Danica and Kavanagh. For Dominion, 'Scry' is the only way to manipulate the arcane deck which is worth noting. Despite this, Gwendoline's other abilities are usually far more useful and will see a lot more use than this arcane deck manipulation ability. It is however always an option to use, which means if Gwendoline has no targets for her other abilities she still has something to do.
Unlike 'Scry', 'Rejuvenate' will see a lot of use throughout the game. On the face of it 'Rejuvenate' is simply a slightly more expensive 'Healing' with a small move. Due to it's increased cost Gwendoline will only be able to use this once a turn without additional support. This means that she is simply unable to compete with healers like Beaky Bobby and Fraya in terms of raw healing numbers. The real value in this heal is the reposition which can sometimes make it more efficient than 'Healing' in the right circumstance. A move of 2" for instance may save the target 2 energy if it was intending to step a couple of times anyway! This move also has no restrictions, such as moving in a specified way, so it can reposition a model in a very precise way. This move can save the model more damage in the future by getting them out of combat or even into cover!
‘Ethereal Allure’
“Who better to be a Priestess of Leshavit than a fae who has shunned her Queen?”
If a model really needs to get somewhere quick though, 'Ethereal allure' can be utilised. Although restricted to directly towards, 'Ethereal allure' can move a target between 3" to 5" towards Gwendoline. This can also be used on enemies at a whopping 10" range! For troupes with a defensive gameplan, this can be a great boon that can be used to keep all your models out of harm's way. Alternatively, this can be used aggressively to quickly force unfavourable fights and to get any of your short ranged models into range. Unfortunately, like 'Rejuvenate', this costs 3 energy and so can only be used once per turn. At least, that's with her base energy...
Who to Field with Gwendoline
Just because Gwendoline is a support model, this doesn't mean she can't be made more effective with other models. One such way is in faeries lists where Silvertongue or Diana can give her additional energy which will allow her to use an additional arcane action every turn. Another use within dominion can be in goblin lists to roll Beaky Bobby's healing and BoomBoom McBoom's luring roles into one model if the rest of your troupe can't fit these 2 models. Realistically though any dominion and Leshavult troupe can make use of Gwendoline. She lends extra healing, mobility, and threat range to all your models, and what troupe wouldn't want that?