Shades Teasers

Over the past couple of weeks we’ve worked with incredible publishers to tease some of the upcoming Shades characters.

For those that gotta catch ‘em all, below we’ve collated and embedded everything that has been released. We’re not expanding on anything just yet, you’ll have to wait for the Kickstarter to launch on 10th October for that!

Tabletop Skirmish Games

Introducing Nanny and the Babeling Psychopomps.

Introducing Greymair and Flay.

T&G Productions

Introducing Jeremy and Sen’ara.

BlackJack Legacy

Introducing Abra Cadaverous and Lampy Darkson.

Always Board Never Boring

Introducing Morag.

Cinderfall Gaming

Introducing The Forgotten King, Teacake of Torment, and Igor.

Out of the Breach

Introducing Roary and more about The Terrible Musician.

Heroic Scale Gamers

Introducing Victor the gravedigger.


Introducing Sir Pidge.

Introducing Negroli.

Introducing the Terrible Musician.



Shedding Light on the Shades


The Shade of It All