Expanded Campaign & Upgrade Cards

As many of our longstanding players will know, we used to sell a physical deck of ‘Campaign’ and ‘Upgrade’ cards (collectively sold as the Campaign Deck). These cards could be used in standalone games to add list building variety and general mayhem, but are also essential to take part in a Moonstone Campaign using the rules found in The Arising.

Introducing the Shades of Moonreach faction to the game gave us a problem however - there were no cards for Shades players in the deck! When stocks of the Campaign Deck sold out, we decided not to reprint in its 3-faction format and instead made it a freely available download; allowing players to continue running campaigns while buying us the time to properly develop and test new cards for Shades of Moonreach players.

Today we’re pleased to say that the development process on the expansion is complete and the fruits of our labours are available to all players, for free, on our website downloads. Huzzah!

We’ve made the cards available the moment we felt they were ready to be used, as we know of lots of Shades players around the globe who want to take part in campaigns and didn’t want to make them wait any longer.


“That’s great n’ all, but when can I get them in print?”

“These look sexier than a badger in a bikini!” we hear you cry, “When can I get them in print?” The answer, is a two-staged approach.

With the expansion available as a download we’ve at least removed the hard stop that was in place for Shades players (provided they don’t mind a bit of home printing, cutting and sleeving!). But we were concerned that if we continued to reprint and sell the old 3-faction deck, and printed and sold an expansion deck as an additional ongoing product, that the combined cost may become prohibitive to some – especially as there are a handful of new cards that will be tempting for every faction. We want everyone to be able to enjoy Moonstone Campaigns, and it could be a bit of a hard sell to get an otherwise on-the-fence player to take part with an added cost of entry. At the same time, we know that players who have already got the 3-faction boxed deck would love an easy way to get just the expansion cards in the exact same card stock, and without being forced to buy duplicates.

So here’s the plan. For players who already have a Campaign Deck, we will produce a one-off limited print run of just the new cards, printed to the exact card specifications as the original deck. These will be available on our webstore only during a limited window that coincides with our next Shades faction box set release (due mid-late April) so folks can save on postage.

After this, we’ll create a new Campaign Deck (v.2) printed product with old and new cards combined. To keep barriers to Campaign entry down, the new product will be printed on a cheaper card stock than the original (the goal being to match the price of the original even with significantly more cards), and be available again through all retail outlets, as well as our own store and downloads, for the lifespan of the game.

For now, keep downloading and printing, and we’ll keep you posted via our usual channels. If you want to read more about Campaigns and how you can use these cards, grab yourself a copy of The Arising.

Happy Moonstone hunting everyone!


Other Folks’ Stuff (Feb ‘25)