Other Folks’ Stuff (Feb ‘25)

We’re always thrilled to see Moonstone content on other people’s channels and this is where you can catch the content published in February 2025 (alphabetical by name, we have no favourites here!):

Always Board Never Boring

Danger Planet

This is an older video but new to us, so it’s going in! (Also - cake!)

Jordan Sorcery


Just one of the videos - there are plenty of batreps on the channel though so browse to see more.


Joe has joined Dan to chat about our latest release - Dark Deeds.

Moonstone Reps

Paul Murphy has updated his gallery of Moonstone minis, should you want some painting inspiration this is a great site to visit.


Tabletop Skirmish Games

How to use the colour wheel and a limited palette with great results.

Painting Greymair with a limited palette.

Painting fur without dry brushing.

Trying a new brush-on primer - was it a mistake?

Tactical Rock Games

The Wynnest

Warriors Table Wargaming (Formerly T&G Productions)

Ye Olde Battle Reps

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If you’d like to get your videos and other content included in our monthly round-up:

  • Follow us on social media - our Linktree gives you all the links you need for each platform we’re on

  • @mention our accounts when you share on your own feeds, or share in any of our community spaces (on Discord or Facebook) and we should spot it - if not, send us a DM on social media

  • If you’re promoting an event, head over to our Events page for instructions

  • For queries about other opportunities, please get in touch


Expanded Campaign & Upgrade Cards


Painting Guide: Vespa