What are Psychopomps?

Psychopomps have started appearing in Moonstone troupes, specifically with Shades. But what are they? Here’s a short extract from The Doomsday Report lore supplement that gives you a little info about them:

“Psychopomps are strange spiritual beings that tend to the needs of the dead, providing entertainment, aid, and solace. They take a variety of forms, dependent on what the spirit needs. Ultimately some spirits, both good and ill, will morph into Psychopomps, providing a service their spirit is drawn to.

“Chernitt’s pulling of Shades from the Deadlands comes with an unexpected side effect as Pomps get caught in the tide of magic. From recent eyewitness reports, they emerge in clouds of miasma and darkly sparkling magic. Utterly out of place, some run riot, revelling in the chaos of their new-found freedom on Tauber.

“So far, only simple guardians or entertainers have been spotted, but we must be wary as there are larger Psychopomps in the Deadlands. Pomps perform specific tasks and have done so for centuries, meaning they are unlikely to stop their tasks now they are in a different place.”


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