Goblins have had an affinity with being able to move moonstones around for a while now, with models like the Goblin King and Crusty Balboa being two examples.
Jobie’s card.
Jobie is the latest of this type of goblin, though he specialises in stealing stones from right under the noses of the opposing troupe instead. From here he can then throw them around the board, getting them further away from the enemy and closer to your own troupe!
‘A Cunning Plan’ and ‘That’s Mine… This is Mine…’
This he accomplishes with his two active abilities 'A Cunning Plan' and 'That's Mine... This is Mine...'. The first is a rare ability in Moonstone which allows Jobie to voluntarily give up his Moonstone and chuck it 2" away from himself. This comes at the cost of 1 energy and, perhaps more steeply, Jobie being slain. From his base energy, this means Jobie will be able to harvest a moonstone of depth 2, then throw it to his allies.
A loyalty card goes a long way, as the Mortician has ‘Reanimate (3)’ he gains ‘Reanimate Jobie (0)’ for the whole game!
This is perfect for moonstones that have been dropped in the back of deployment or far off to the side, as Jobie can grab them and throw them toward the action. Alternatively, Jobie can instead set his sights on a more central stone and make use of his second active ability. With 'That's Mine, This is Mine...' Jobie can grab stones even if someone is engaging him. With so few wounds though, Jobie will often be immediately slain after this. He's therefore often great to give additional energy to, so he can run into melee, grab a stone, then use 'A Cunning Plan' to get It out of there!
‘The Bright Side of Death’
“I’m deaded! Gotted! On the way to the great nest in the sky… Tell my mother… something appropriate…”
As mentioned though, Jobie is very flimsy and prone to slaying himself with his own abilities. Whilst this would normally be hugely detrimental for any model, it's not a problem for the conman (congoblin…?) who's adept at faking his death. With 'The Bright Side of Death' all of Jobie's friends with reanimate gain a new ability to bring Jobie back for free after he's slain. This is better than reanimate as it brings Jobie back in with full wounds and 2 energy ready to go again! In Dominion, this makes the Mortician an essential complementary pick, so Jobie can repeatedly use his self-slaying abilities.
When Jobie comes back his 2 energy is perfect for harvesting or making use of his only arcane ability. The 'Second Hand Pistol' is, as the name suggests, not a perfectly maintained pistol and is prone to malfunctions. On a green, it can deal a little damage to both the target and Jobie, but on a catastrophe it forces the target to drop a stone as well as killing Jobie.
With some goblin allies, Jobie can gain a nice boost of energy allowing him more energy to grab stones and then throw them around the board. If he's looking for an arcane boost and more mobility though, the rogues can bump his arcane up with Muridae, and Belladonna can teleport him to where he needs to be. With perfect timing and positioning, Jobie can jump between different stones. If they're on the side-lines he can harvest and throw them back to his friends. If they're in the thick of it he can try and harvest them to sneak them out, and if they're in the hands of the enemy he can try and shoot it out of their hands!