Eric the Enlightened
Eric has made his choice and his future now belongs in the hands of Leshavit!
Eric the Enlightened’s card.
Shield, Javelin and Armour
As a previous Commonwealth knight in training Eric will be able to help his new friends with some excellent combat abilities. Hogswash’s lessons in particular must have been useful giving Eric a Melee 4, Range 2" and some wonderful skill with a javelin and shield. Unlike Commonwealth though, none of these pieces of equipment are traditional and all have a Leshavult twist. The shield for example can only be used once per game, but being a Leshavult shield it reduces all the damage to nil! As for the javelin, it increases piercing damage by +2 as expected. Unlike a normal javelin though, it can convert any piercing damage dealt into the same amount of magical damage instead! Against certain types of armour, like many Commonwealth nobles 'Plate Armour', the ability to convert damage into magical can be extremely potent. It also doesn't specify that it can only convert melee damage, which is very useful for the other way Eric can use his javelin...
‘Swinging Antlers’
As well as stabbing his enemies in melee with his javelin Eric can also throw it at range. Unlike Wasp and Vespa though he hasn't got a huge bundle of regular javelins and instead has his single magically enhanced javelin. Naturally, throwing away his weapon will lower his efficiency in melee. The javelin is only lost until the end of turn though, so activating Eric late can be done to offset this disadvantage. Whilst he's disarmed he can avoid any bigger threats in combat through the use of his signature. Firstly, 'Swinging Antlers' is an impact damage sweeping cut and so is just as effective with the javelin as without it. Secondly, it contains the incredibly useful end step effect to move models. Therefore, if Eric can't deal with his current attacker he can shove them away til he's reclaimed his weapon and try again in the next turn.
“My blade is Leshavit’s, I know He will return it to me.”
‘Enchanted Bladestorm’
When he does throw the javelin with 'Enchanted Bladestorm' the magical weapon ignores both cover and evade ensuring that it can hit even the trickiest of targets. For single targets, the green effect deals X+1 piercing damage. With the 'Enchanted Javelin' passive this can then be converted into magical damage for 'Plate Armour' or other targets who aren't a fan of magical damage. Alternatively, if Eric finds himself surrounded he can make use of the pink effect of 'Enchanted Bladestorm'. This deals the same amount of damage and pushes everyone away with the largest damage pulse in the game! This loses Eric the 'Enchanted Javelin' until end of game though so this is often best saved until the end of the game or when Eric can finish multiple models at once with it. It's also a "Leshavult ability", in the sense it requires more energy than he generates, so he must be donated or otherwise gain at least 1 energy before using it. With 'Woodland Animal' and the right troupe or board Eric will easily gain this energy at the start of the turn without needing additional support from his friends though.
Using the Catastrophe
Eric's final trick with his javelin is the 'Enchanted Bladestorm' catastrophe. Aggressively, if he can time it well he can bluff without a worry in the world. If for example he's the last activaton of the turn and doesn't draw the card he needs when casting 'Enchanted Bladestorm' he can easily bluff. If your opponent does call your bluff correctly and they gain the javelin on one of their models it doesn't matter, they're about to lose it when the end of the turn rolls around anyway! More interestingly though, he can use 'Enchanted Bladestorm' on his friends and catastrophe on purpose or get help from a friendly Revenant or Zorya to catastrophe. Do you like the Jackalopes base +2 piercing damage? Now it's +4 and can be converted to magical! Does your opponent have a lot of plate armour and Eric is not in range to start attacking them in melee yet? Chuck it to Jayda and now her bow is magical and can punch through that armour with no problem!
Who to Field Him Alongside
When it comes to friends, Eric can work well with all members of Leshavult. With his cultist keyword, he naturally finds a place in the cult enjoying a healthy arcane boost alongside Kalista and a chance to buff Klaus' melee. The witches will enjoy any melee model they can pump energy into and with his no nil damage signature Zorya's 'Violent Impulse' catastrophe can turn Eric into an incredibly reliable damage dealer. Finally, Eric can enjoy the aid of animals and fauns with his animal keyword for Chubs and Gloom to exploit and Raegan can plant a forest for 'Woodland Animal'!