Goblin King Games Grows

Goblin King Games is a small UK-based company, but over the last year we’ve quadrupled in size. That’s right, up from one person to four! We thought we’d take the opportunity to introduce ourselves…

The face of a white man with brown hair and a slight beard

Tom Greenway - Game Designer and Creative Director

“I’ve been into tabletop games for over 30 years. I’m a fan of board games, card games and miniatures, but skirmish games is doubtlessly my favourite genre. I love to paint unique and characterful miniatures and with limited time available the small model counts of skirmish games really is a winning formula for me!”

Goblin King, Founder, Benevolent Dictator. Tom came up with the idea of Moonstone after taking too many broadsword hits to the head (probably). A skilled veteran gamer, painter and modeller he keeps a close rein on every aspect of his creation, and if it isn’t perfect, it isn’t finished. Remarkably cheerful come what may, Tom is easily excitable and probably working too hard at this very moment. 

Joe Parsons - Game Developer

“I first started miniature gaming in primary school and have been trying out and playing all different types of systems ever since! When I'm not playing miniature games I'm either playing other tabletop games, baking, playing video games or practicing martial arts.”

Rules Goblin, taste tester. Joe is the lead developer at Goblin King Games and has been miniature gaming for most of his life with a particular interest in skirmish games. A few years ago he found out about a game called Moonstone and hasn't been able to stop playing it since! He's now responsible for designing rules for characters as well as playtesting them. Bakes good cakes, probably a gnome on stilts. 

V.G. Thorne - Narrative Lead and Marketer

“I dipped my toe into miniature painting when I was a kid, but started properly painting and playing in about 2010. I love being creative and my biggest love is words - writing, reading, and playing RPGs in particular.”

Lore Goblin, bookwyrm wrangler. V.G. Thorne (community members may know her as Suzie) is the Narrative Lead for Goblin King Games. She's responsible for all the lore, worldbuilding, and character story development for Moonstone, and she also looks after the Moonstone social media channels. In her spare time she writes fiction and poetry, tries to herd her two cats, and plays D&D as often as she can. 

Mick Green - General Manager

“I’ve been gaming for over 30 years and probably have or am playing any system you can think of, if only as an excuse to build terrain for it. Except infinity. Way too tidy.”

General manager, Goblin Architect. Mick is the newest of Moonstones Team, and is responsible for anything the Goblin King tells him to be. He loves building terrain, converting things into other things and painting tiny details. Has worked across the hobby for 20 years, first for the big GW then as a freelance board/terrain builder. Also a keen roleplayer and GM, he only kills characters when they do something really, REALLY stupid. 


2023 Errata and Rulebook Update


Sir Hogswash