2023 Errata and Rulebook Update
Moonstone has a fantastic reputation for game balance - ensuring all players are able to use whatever miniatures they love most, while still have a fair chance of winning, is a value we hold dearly.
We conduct a review every two years, where we consider tournament data and player feedback, to make minor adjustments to a few characters' power level (both up and down) as well as clarifying any frequently misunderstood wording that may have caused players to resort to our FAQ previously. This 2023 review has resulted in an update to 34 characters, (with about half being only minor wording changes for clarity rather than adjust balance). These changes have been reflected in the newest print run of the paperback Rulebook, as well as in the character cards that accompany new orders of the minis.
We’ve uploaded all changes to stat cards on our website as free downloads that you can print yourself
Replacement cards (in our usual high quality linen effect card-stock) are also available to order singularly, or in a pack containing all the cards updated in this review
Our tame Goblin Rules Lawyer, Joe Parsons has written a helpful overview explaining the rationale behind the changes too
Vicious Midget will now be known as Vicious Syd
Character name change
Additionally, a few months back we received some constructive feedback from our community about the name of one of our characters. We now understand that the second part of Vicious Midget’s name is problematic, so we’ve decided to change his name to Vicious Syd. We’ve included Syd in the recent round of errata work and a new card will be included in new orders, as well as being available to order if you’d like to replace the original.
We think it’s important for people to feel comfortable with our characters' designs and are doing our best to represent as many different folks as we can, as appropriately as we can. We know there is more to be done and we’re certainly still learning, but hope you can see that this is another example of the positive steps we’re striving to take within the gaming world. We also hope you like his new name! The pop/punk cultural reference certainly feels appropriate for a goblin that likes to stab upwards shudder.