If you go down to the woods today...

The newest miniatures in the Moonstone range are now available to pre-order from our website (they go on general sale on 11th September).

These box sets introduce Treefolk into Tauber, which are in fact a ‘tree host’ and the Dendrite spirit that inhabits their bark. The Dendrite uses their magic to allow the tree to move around freely, which helps spread their young further and gives them new scenery to look at that most trees wouldn’t get to experience.

“These are just my tree buddies, don’t worry about them Rik!”

Oh, and then there’s Dranyer, who we introduced during the Fate of Eric community event. You’ll find out more about her later…


Gump chose a mighty birch as their tree host and now towers above other Treefolk, their spirit energy glowing green in their chest. They aren’t the brightest of the Dendrites, but they love the woods and their rumbling voice can be heard for miles.



Dranyer’s den is in the Wyrdwood, although she chases mischief and fun across Tauber. Her favourite form is a fox, whether the typical creature or an anthropomorphic form, but as a shape shifter she can look like any living thing and uses that to poke her nose into anything that will give her some entertainment.


Snag has always been drawn to unhealthy tree hosts and the latest silver birch is perfect. They get their energy from dead and dying things, and their latest meal is still evident on their back…


Ruwt likes choosing trees that grow mushrooms easily and their twisted hazel tree host is excellent, sprouting mushrooms and all sorts of other plants with hardly a thought.


Big Tree, Little Tree, Transforming Fox


Fritz Has Broken Into The King’s Coffers!