Moonstone May ‘23

Our Moonstone May painting competition is back for a second year, after a fantastic result last year.

From 1st to 31st May 2023 we invite you to post photos of your painted Moonstone minis on social media channels, using the hashtag #MoonstoneMay23. There are four categories you can enter and at the start of June we’ll ask the community to vote for their favourites in each category. The winners in each category will then receive a £25 gift card to spend in our webstore.

When you share your photo please let us know which of these four categories you’re entering:

  1. Single miniature - One miniature from any box set, or a limited edition sculpt. Will be judged on technical painting skill and artistic flair.

  2. Box set - Must include all miniatures from a single box of multiple miniatures, which will be three or four miniatures in total. Will be judged on technical painting skill and artistic flair.

  3. Whole troupe - Must include 5 to 8 miniatures from a playable troupe, i.e. from the same faction. Will be judged on technical painting skill and cohesiveness of the troupe.

  4. Most original concept - Can be a single miniature or up to 8 miniatures; includes conversions, fantastical bases, wacky / themed paint schemes. Will be judged on originality and quality of concept, as well as painting skill. Note that judges may use their discretion to move entries from the previous three categories into this one.

Commission Painters

There is no category specifically for ‘commission painters’ this year. Commission painters are welcome to enter any category but must state they are a commission painter in their entry, the judges will then select a winner from among the entries based on pure painting skill. Entries must not have won a prize previously or been commissioned by GKG. ‘Commission painters' are defined as individuals who offer painting services for hire. ‘Commission painters’ refers to the individual, not the miniature(s) being submitted. For example, if a commission painter has Moonstone miniatures in their personal collection the miniatures are still classed as a ‘Commission painter’.

To Enter

  • Post on Instagram using the hashtag #MoonstoneMay23 and mention us @GoblinKingGames

  • Or, post on Twitter using the hashtag #MoonstoneMay23 and mention us @MoonstoneGame

  • Or, post in the Moonstone Players Facebook group using the hashtag #MoonstoneMay23

  • You may post to more than one of the above platforms if you wish, however miniatures can only be entered once into the competition

  • Photos should be of good enough quality that we can see the detail of your work from multiple angles

  • We’ll assume the first image is the ‘main image' you’d like us to share later, but please feel free to add as many images you feel appropriately presents your mini

  • Please don’t include watermarks or logos on your entries, as by entering you are giving us permission to re-use your images elsewhere online and in other medium

  • Remember that the judges’ decisions are final.

Further Information

The full T&Cs and further details are on our website, please post a comment below if you have a question or get in touch with us on social media.


Salute 2023


Easter on Tauber