Leporiphobia - June 2021 Errata Overview

A new errata has arrived and has updated a few cards for the game. Most of these cards just have some wording clarifications whilst a few of them have some rules and numbers tweaked. Without further ado, let's have a quick look at what they are and how they might change the game.

Wording Changes

  • Wendigo, Bristlenose & Grub - The wording for insatiable hunger's end step effect has been updated to reflect the FAQ, it can't be used if the character is slain during the combat round.

  • Gloom - 'Smothering darkness' has been updated to clarify that the evade bonus only lasts until the end of the turn.

  • Joanna & Brunhilde - Joanna and Brunhilde gained the Norse trait. This does nothing at the moment but could it be a sign of things to come?

Rules Tweaks


Much like Joanna and Brunhilde, Loci has gained the Norse trait. He has also received a minor damage buff on his signature, with +1 damage against falling swing and thrust as compared to beforehand. With Loci's passive 'Hammer' it can now deal some very impressive irreducible damage so Loci will certainly want to be getting stuck into melee and making attacks now! 

Boris the Bunny Summoner & Murder Bunnies

Whilst there aren't too many changes to these models the effects of these changes are relatively significant to how different factions can now counter the bunny summoning menace. Firstly, Boris has lost his 'Shabby old coat' and so will no longer reduce magical and slicing damage. For some troupes whose answer to Boris was to kill him, this will be invaluable. Faeries will be pleased the most by this as the -1 magical damage previously made him very tough against their death by a thousand magical cuts style of damage. Speaking of magical damage, the goblins will be pleased that Boris can't reduce damage from their 'Foul gases'. The reduction in slicing damage will also make him more susceptible to AoE slicing signature moves like Fritz and Joanna. These sources of AoE damage are generally better against murder bunnies though, which is where the next change comes in.

The second main change is that murder bunnies have been reduced from 5 wounds to 4 wounds. This reduced wound count affects the threshold for a lot of abilities to more efficiently kill off the bunnies now. For example, the AoE 2 slicing damage signatures of Fritz and Joanna now only need to be done twice or crit a single time to one-shot the bunnies. It also means two 'Foul gases' will be enough to finish off a bunny or, in extreme circumstances, one Firespitter catastrophe. Finally, Danica and Antonia also have 2 damage pulses with their catastrophes to deal with the bunnies. There are a few more thresholds met by 4 wounds but these are just a few examples of the main AoE ones. Finally, the text for 'Thrall' was updated slightly to clarify that only friendly Boris' could control bunnies and not just any Boris in play!

Jackalope & Muridae

Jackalope and Muridae have had OPT added to 'Hop' and 'Robbery' respectively. This won't have an impact when these models have their base energy but stops the abuse of said abilities after gaining energy. Jackalope for example can no longer gain 3 energy then use 'Hop' three times whilst holding a moonstone. This will stop the Jackalope from bypassing the normal slow movement that keeps models with moonstones in the action. Meanwhile, the OPT restriction on 'Robbery' will stop Muridae from activating last, stealing two moonstones and causing a four moonstone swing in the last activation of the game.

Mama Gimble

'My boys' has received a slight tweak with some buffs and some nerfs. It can now only reduce damage by a max of -3 and will not count Mama Gimble herself for this damage reduction. This means she is no longer able to gain nigh on invincible levels of damage reduction and attack models in melee with impunity. It will also open up troupe-building options as Mama gimble doesn't need as many gnomes as possible to get the most out of her damage reduction anymore. The other part of this ability has received a very nice buff though, covering 4" now as compared to 3" before. Gnomes' main playstyle in general is having to huddle up close and not be able to spread out. Being able to spread a gnome troupe out an additional inch will therefore give more options and will allow them to cover a lot more ground whilst in each others auras. It now also has the same range as 'Luck charms' so will be a lot easier for both players to keep track of.


‘Brothers in arms' has had its melee gain component tuned down to +1 instead of +2. This means that Quarrel will no longer be able to spam this on Young Jack to get him up to 15 melee and trivialise combat by drawing all but one melee card. It has however kept its arcane buffing component the same. This means Quarrel and the Gnomish Airship can still trade energy at the start of the game to get one supercharged shot off each! With the melee component toned down, using 'Brothers in arms' to buff arcane instead may be seen a bit more often now.

El Capitano

'Ye scurvy dogs' has been updated to only give energy to models with the goblin and pirate traits instead of just the pirate trait. Functionally, this has no change to the game at the moment as all the pirate models in the game are goblins anyway. So this certainly won't affect combos or troupe builds but will affect any pirates in the future who aren't goblins.

Swigarty Swooty & Agatha Tavernfrau

Swiggarty and Agatha have had the wording of their energy generation abilities slightly tweaked to clarify that it only triggers once per turn. This rewording has however resulted in a minor buff as well! With this new iteration, you no longer have to gain energy from the first attack near Swigarty/Agatha. Now you can wait a few melee attack actions before you generate additional energy. This can be useful if a model like Fritz attacks a model in melee and is unsure if he will be able to finish it or not. If he gets down to his last attack and he needs a little more damage he can gain the additional energy to finish them off. Else, the energy generation can be saved for another model that may need it later in the turn. It's a small buff but one which will increase the flexibility of both these models quite nicely.


Boulder has previously been a little awkward to play with and can sometimes be more of a hindrance than a help to his troupe. This was primarily due to the wording on 'Calcify' which meant it would affect all models within 3", including friendlies. This caused him to have to deploy far away from the rest of his troupe and make non-optimal moves to prevent draining friendly models' energy. A crafty opponent could also use this against Boulders troupe, saving a character with movement abilities until last and then pushing him into his own opponent's troupe. Instead of affecting all nearby models, 'Calcify' now only affects models which Boulder is engaging, a reduction in range overall with his melee range of 2". However, since you can't engage friendly models this will now allow Boulder to deploy with the rest of your troupe and wade into melee alongside his friends. Much like Mama Gimble it also means Boulder now only has a single 2" aura range to keep track of, as opposed to a 3" aura and a 2" melee zone.


'Ethereal allure has had its range reduced from 10" to 8". This is going to mainly hamper Gwendoline's effectiveness on turn one as 10" was enough to generally reach multiple enemy models to pull into danger. If Dominion players require a 10" lure to target enemies now they will have to look to Boom Boom McBoom. This is also the final ability where a tweak in range has simplified multiple ranges. Now nobody will have to keep in mind which of Gwendoline's abilities is 10" and which ability is 8" range as they're now both 8".


Kalista has received two changes, a slight rewording for clarification and a damage buff. 'Conductor' has had the word friendly added to clarify that it's only supposed to affect friendly models. 'Paroxysm' has received a more impactful buff, pushing the damage up from 3 to 4. More damage is certainly always nice but what models will this be the most effective against? Faeries are the first, with generally only 6 wounds this extra damage will be felt, especially in Diana list where most faeries are often wounded anyway. Against full health faeries this additional damage will knock off an additional energy pip for most faeries in the game. Most importantly though, with the tweak to murder bunnies' health, this can now one shot murder bunnies. Kalista will now be able to clear a bunch of low health models from the board and then throw protection on something afterwards with the energy gained from 'Joy of entropy'.


Kavanagh has also received two changes although neither of these are wording clarifications and both of these are buffs! First, his arcane has been increased from 3 to 4. He only has one arcane ability so all this will do will increase his chances of successfully using 'Butterfingers'. His second change hugely increases his energy efficiency, reducing 'Black comedy' from 2 energy to 0 energy. This has come at the cost of adding OPT and he can also no longer target himself with it, but costing 2 less energy is definitely a worthwhile trade-off. This will bring him in line with a lot of other Leshavult energy generators who could generate energy far more efficiently than spending 2 energy to get 1. Brother Daniel specifically may see competition as an energy generator now as both these models now don't need to spend energy to distribute energy. However, their other costs do differ, Daniel requiring a moonstone first and Kavanagh requiring wounding his target.


Much like Kavanagh, Zorya has also received an overall buff in the form of one stat tweak and one rules update. The stat change in question is improving her evade stat from 0 to -1. With no armour and the potential to be a huge melee threat, Zorya often got shot off the table before getting close to anyone. This should help the witches in general with a more consistent damage threat that isn't super easy to kill or counter. The other rules update helps in the same vein, circumnavigating one of her biggest weaknesses in melee, her range. Whilst she still retains her 1" melee range her signature has now gained an end step which pushes her 1" towards her attacker. This will stop enemies from attacking her out of range with impunity and will also allow her to use 'Mesmerising' more effectively.


Another damage buff for the witches, 'Candy apples' has received a few tweaks to turn it into a far more deadly lure. The move distance has gone up from X+1 to 2X. This won't have any effect when a pink 1 is played, but pink 2's and 3's will see a nice distance increase. With an arcane of 4/5 pink 2's and 3's aren't unlikely so this will result in a larger movement in most cases. Next, the range at which 'Candy apples' will deal damage has gone up from 1" to 2". This means Antonia won't have to drag models as far to deal some damage and won't have to drag them into her melee zone either. In combination with the move buff it also means that a full drag of 6" will always deal damage with the 8" ability range and the 2" damage range. Last, but certainly not least, the amount of wounds inflicted has gone up from 3 to 4 wounds. More wounds are always good and with careful positioning against nearby enemies, this can be used more like a "Deal 4 wounds" arcane ability as opposed to a lure. Like with the Zorya changes, this will increase how reliably the witches themselves can deal damage and means they won't have to solely rely on other models to deal damage. 4 wounds also one-shots a murder bunny now if needed!

Full cards for the errata can be downloaded for free from our website.


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