In Leshavult, a lot of models have abilities that cost 1 energy more than their base energy generation. Kavanagh is one such model with one of these "Leshavult Abilities" and is also a model who can grant energy to enable other models' "Leshavult Abilities".
Kavanagh’s card.
‘Black Comedy’
The latter comes in the form of 'Black Comedy' a 0 cost ability which wounds another model but grants a bonus energy. This is primarily useful for enabling the mentioned "Leshavult Abilities" of many models' such as Boris the Bunny Summoner, Kalista and Danica to name a few. Loubard is another model and is particularly appreciative of 'Black Comedy' as his large number of wounds means he won't feel the 2 Wds as harshly. Even so, 2 Wds isn't much of a problem in Leshavult anyway as an abundance of healers means you can usually heal back up in no time at all. Additionally, Kavanagh can also get energy onto friends by draining enemies with his signature move. Despite being situational it has no limitations. Therefore, if Kavanagh finds someone who can't do much damage to him he can drain them of all their energy with repeated melee attacks and energise all his friends!
‘Juggling Fate’
'Juggling Fate' is Kavanagh's own "Leshavult Ability" ability and has a number of interesting effects. Firstly, it grants Kavangah +2 energy and so essentially costs only 2 energy and just needs 4 energy to initiate it. It then lets you check the top 3 cards of the deck, allowing you to banish a useless card to the bottom of the deck, save a card for later by storing it by Kavanagh's card and save a card for the next arcane action by placing it on top of the deck. Speaking of which now would be a good time to look at Kavanagh's arcane ability.
“I’m a roley-poley-pudding!”
'Butterfingers' is ordinarily a relatively unreliable ability only being triggered on 3's with an arcane of 4. If however, you have just used 'Juggling Fate' then you will have 2 things: The 2 energy to use it and knowledge of the top card of the deck. If the top card of the deck is a 3, no amount of evade of cover will be able to protect your opponent from dropping their stones. If 'Juggling Fate' didn't find any 3's though, Kavanagh will have gotten rid of two useless cards he would have drawn ordinarily which will increase his chances of success!
After Kavanagh has made the opponent drop their stones, he can pick them up and defend them pretty well. With 'Roley-Poley' Kavanagh can spend 2 energy to move 2" and gain -2 evade. 2 energy is normally how much it costs to move 2" with steps, so this ability essentially gives Kavanagh -2 evade for free if he was planning on making 2 steps anyway! This means unlike most models in possession of Moonstones Kavanagh doesn't want to save all his energy for reaction steps as preemptively moving with 'Roley-Poley' moves him just as far and makes him even harder to target too. This -2 evade is why he's great at carrying stones, he can avoid arcane abilities luring him into bad situations and can avoid abilities that will make him lose his Moonstones for whatever reason.
Another way to make him even faster is to bring along his good friend Brother Daniel. This can be achieved with regular 'Plant the Placard's or Kavanagh can give Daniel some energy to perform 'The end is Nigh' moving Kavanagh a potentially unlimited distance. In return, Daniel can have Kavanagh 'Look at the Shiny Thing' to gain energy so he can perform his very own 'Juggling Fate'!