“Ooooh a new one for my collectshun!”

Faeries are typically very flimsy, have low melee damage, and are generally pathetic in melee.

Giants and Trolls are the exact opposite; as monsters of melee they have high wds, high damage and are generally unstoppable if they ever get into melee with, say, a Faerie.

Dentia, however, is not a typical Faerie.

The Bigger They Are…

'The bigger they are...' is the main reason Dentia is atypical - she turns the advantages big models have into disadvantages. Dentia uses enemies’ evade (as long as it’s +1 or higher) as a damage bonus and resistance. In addition to this, she also loses ‘weakling’, essentially granting her 3 bonus damage when attacking Giants and Trolls, with their traditional +2 Evade, compared to a 0 Evade or lower model. Along with the 2 damage resistance she gains with this ability, Dentia can quite happily run up to a big model and start making melee attacks with little concern for her health.

“Keep that bloody Faerie away from me!”


Is this her only melee trick though? No! She can also... uh… retrieve “souvenirs” from enemies in melee.

With her signature, she can extract enemies’ teeth for a permanent melee boost for the rest of the game. With a few well-timed and placed 'Extractions’, Dentia can boost her Melee Stat to impressive levels. With a high enough melee, she potentially can start taking on lower evade enemies too, using her massive hand instead of damage bonuses to win.


“That one’s looking a bit weak and vulnerable…”

'Sedatives' is a handy little bonus ability for any troupe wishing to afflict enemies with 'Weakling'. Butterfingers, for example, will love having Dentia alongside him for this very reason. Now when he gives an enemy 'Weakling' they also lose an energy! This can be an excellent first activation for Faeries - who often struggle with their first activation, lest they put a Faerie in a vulnerable place with no energy left. Now Butterfingers can activate first, put 'Weakling' on two enemies and drain them of one energy each, or double up 'Weakling' on one model and drain it for one energy.

It doesn't just synergise with Butterfingers though, it also synergises with Dentia herself…

Sleepy Time

'Sleepy Time' rounds off Dentia's abilities and is either a method to afflict an enemy with 'Weakling' or something far worse. Of course, if she does give an enemy 'Weakling' she will also drain it of an energy, so long as it didn't gain 'Weakling' already during that turn, but ideally, Dentia wants to go for the second option. Against an enemy with 'Feeble' or 'Weakling', perhaps set up by Butterfingers, the target will lose all their energy and suffer +X Evade Stat.

With the right setup, Dentia can quite happily cancel out an enemy’s activation by stripping them of energy and setting them up to be slain with Evade penalties for other Faeries to abuse. Or perhaps herself, if she managed to get someone up to +4 Evade for example, she'd now be at 4 bonus melee damage and damage resisted which very few could resist!


Painting Guide: Vespa


Painting Faerie Wings