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Moonstone at Adepticon!

  • Baird Centre Grand Ballroom C 400 West Wisconsin Avenue Milwaukee, WI, 53203 United States (map)

Moonstone: The Shades of Winter!

The Shades have risen and the land of Tauber is imperiled!! Bring your best 6 figure list (Commonwealth, Dominion, Shades, or Leshavult) and steel yourself for 4 rounds of Moonstone fun! This is our third year running and we're going to try some fun and easy to play scenarios in this casual tournament environment. Scenario packs will be provided as available and emailed to all registered participants.

Event Type: Tournament | Experience Required: Some
Cost: $20
Event Email

22 March

Mayhem & Mischief 9: Triple Falling Swing!

5 April

Status Quo, Subterfuge, Malediction and Rebirth: A Moonstone Story Event